How to Get WiFi Password from Android Mobile

WiFi passwords are essential for connecting to wireless networks, enabling access to the internet. Sometimes, we might forget the password of a network we previously connected to. In such cases, retrieving the password from an Android device can be convenient. This article will explore various methods to obtain WiFi passwords from an Android mobile device.

Understanding WiFi Passwords

Before delving into methods of retrieving WiFi passwords, it’s crucial to understand how they work. WiFi passwords are used to encrypt data transmitted between a device and a router. This encryption ensures that unauthorized users cannot access the network without the correct password.

Encryption Methods

WiFi passwords are typically encrypted using various protocols such as WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy), WPA (WiFi Protected Access), and WPA2. These encryption methods help secure the network and prevent unauthorized access.

Security protocols like WPA2-PSK (Pre-Shared Key) provide a higher level of security by using a strong encryption algorithm. This makes it challenging for intruders to intercept and decode the WiFi password.

Methods to Retrieve WiFi Passwords on Android

Android devices store information about previously connected WiFi networks. Users can access this information through the device settings. By navigating to the WiFi settings menu, users can view a list of saved networks along with their passwords.

Another method to retrieve WiFi passwords involves accessing the router’s configuration page. Users can log in to the router’s admin panel using a web browser and the router’s IP address. Once logged in, they can navigate to the wireless settings section to view or change the WiFi password.

There are several third-party apps available on the Google Play Store that claim to retrieve WiFi passwords from Android devices. These apps often require root access to the device and may pose security risks. It’s essential to exercise caution and research thoroughly before using such apps.

Precautions and Legal Considerations

While retrieving WiFi passwords from an Android device may seem harmless, it’s essential to consider the ethical implications. Users should only attempt to retrieve passwords for networks they have permission to access. Unauthorized access to WiFi networks can violate privacy and trust.

In many regions, accessing someone else’s WiFi network without permission is illegal and can result in severe consequences. Users should be aware of the legal implications of attempting to obtain WiFi passwords without authorization.


Retrieving WiFi passwords from an Android device can be useful in situations where users need to reconnect to a network but have forgotten the password. However, it’s crucial to use ethical and legal means to obtain this information. By following the methods outlined in this article and exercising caution, users can retrieve WiFi passwords safely and responsibly.


  1. Can I retrieve WiFi passwords from any Android device?
    • While most Android devices support methods like checking saved networks, some methods may require root access, which may not be available on all devices.
  2. Are third-party apps safe for retrieving WiFi passwords?
    • It’s essential to exercise caution when using third-party apps, as some may pose security risks or require root access to the device.
  3. What should I do if I forget the WiFi password and cannot retrieve it from my Android device?
    • In such cases, users can reset the router to its factory settings, which will reset the WiFi password to the default one printed on the router.
  4. Is it legal to retrieve WiFi passwords without permission?
    • No, accessing someone else’s WiFi network without permission is illegal and can have legal consequences.
  5. Can I change the WiFi password using methods outlined in this article?
    • Yes, users can change the WiFi password through the router’s configuration page accessed via an Android device.

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